Monday, September 16th – *Cool stretch coming for the west coast…this change in temperature pattern out there to limit the Home Run Forecast Index*

Much cooler-than-normal air will dominate the scene along the west coast for the bulk of the upcoming week. Map courtesy NOAA,

The west coast has undergone some hot weather in recent days (and wildfire activity), but big changes are on the way. A noticeably cooler-than-normal air mass is shifting eastward from the Pacific Ocean and much of the west coast from Washington-to-Southern California will experience below-normal temperatures on average for the next several days. The change to cooler-than-normal weather will have a limiting effect on the Home Run Forecast Index (HRFI) suggesting weather conditions will be far less favorable for baseballs to travel during the next several days as compared with the last several. In fact, the HRFI for the Monday and Tuesday evening games in San Diego may be around a “4” and in Seattle on Tuesday night, the HRFI could average out to be a “3”. Any warmer-than-normal weather conditions during the bulk of this week look to be confined to the Northern Plains…only 2 weeks to go in the 2024 season…playoffs begin on October 1st.

Meteorologist Paul Dorian